Thursday, July 29, 2004


One more Convention Question . . .

Who selects the music? Obviously I haven't heard every single music break during the convention, but what I have heard is puzzling. It's Motown, Hip-Hop, or 60s-era folk music set to an R&B arrangement. (And please, enough with the folk music. You don't want to remind people of 1968. Trust me on this.) When it's not one of those three, it's some horribly plinky Kingergarten-style music. Granted, when the Clintons were on-stage, we were treated to the now-obvious "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow."

I don't know what kind of music John Kerry listens to. I suspect he doesn't listen to any, but I'm sure if you asked him he'd have an answer geared toward whichever group he was speaking to.

But would it hurt the convention planners to throw in a few different styles? Or perhaps something unabashedly patriotic? (James Brown's "Living in America" was used, but isn't quite what I had in mind.) Why is it that I fully expect to hear Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" (overused as it is, it still moves me) at the Republican convention, but couldn't imagine the Democrats using it at theirs? I can't imagine them using country music at all, actually. Certainly not Toby Keith, even though he is a registered Democrat, but you'd think the Dixie Chicks would have made an appearance.

UPDATE: Captain Ed discusses one of those songs I missed. Sheesh. Who was the brilliant DNC strategist who recommended a song that references presidential assassination?

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