Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Convention Report--Wednesday from the Couch

Well, Tuesday actually.

I'm watching a repeat of Michael Moore's speech at the convention yesterday. Ick First of all, it's now clear that the Democrats have given up control to the wacko fringe. I hope someone saves this once-proud party from the lefty-loony wing, or it will soon cease to exist. (Not such a bad idea, actually.) Second, you'd think that Moore, speaking at a convention, would try to look a little more respectable. Does he ever change that cap and sweatshirt? Or shave? I'm suddenly glad that smell-o-vision hasn't been invented.

I'll say this: Moore is an entertaining speaker. If you read a transcript of this speech, he would sound like the paranoid conspiracy theorist that he is. But if you actually watch this, he seems warm and friendly. No wonder people slurp up his lies like poisoned Kool-Aid.

Right now he's saying that Canadians are better than Americans. You know, I wish he'd become a Canadian. You guys can have him. He's certainly not an American. Right now Moore is saying his little piece of Propaganda has made more money than any Disney film this year. That can't possibly be true, can it? Oh, now he's claiming there was a Disney-Saudi conspiracy to keep his film from being distributed. Geez. Now comes the lies, and the lies about lies.

Here's the level of discourse you get from Moore: "[The Bush administration is] up at 6 in the morning trying to figure out which minority group they're gonna screw today."

You know, I'm reminded of the hate rallies in Orwell's "1984." This whole convention is like that.

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