Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Convention Report--Tuesday from the Couch

Hmmm. A minister from a Chicago United Church of Christ just stepped up to the microphone and put his church fully behind John Kerry. "We wanna get that cowboy out of the White House" was one of his lines. Shouldn't that church lose its tax-exempt status?

LATER: Gephardt's on. Arrgh! This is driving me crazy! I swear if I hear one more delegate say that Bush acted "unilaterally" or decided to "go it alone," I'm gonna reach right through the TV screen and throttle the idiot. Not only is it a lie, it's an insult to the more than 30 nations who contributed to this war.

LATER: And I will also reach through the screen if I hear "we'll make sure every vote is counted!" one more time. They were counted, counted, counted, and recounted. Gore lost every single recount!!

LATER STILL: I watched Kennedy, a bit of Gephardt, and some of Dean before giving up completely. And I really wanted to see if Teresa Heinz-Kerry would go off-script, too, but watching those other three was painful enough. The brazen hypocrisy on display at this convention is absolutely stunning. I'll give 'em marks for chutzpah, though. But what'll they do if Kerry gets elected? Bush-hatred is the only thing holding the party together at the moment.

Anyway, I couldn't take it any longer and popped in the Season 1 set of "The Dead Zone" which I got from the library.

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